Venaseal vs Varithena: A Side-by-Side Look & Key Takeaways

Varicose vein treatment options have considerably evolved over time. Painful surgical procedures like vein stripping have now been replaced with simple, minimally invasive methods like…

varithena procedure drawing

Varicose vein treatment options have considerably evolved over time. Painful surgical procedures like vein stripping have now been replaced with simple, minimally invasive methods like Venaseal and Varithena. These procedures can be easily done in a vein specialist’s clinic. Both treat varicose veins with excellent outcomes.

Varithena and Venaseal are two of the latest procedures used to treat venous problems in the greater saphenous vein below the knee. These two treatments are unique, because they are considered to be “non-thermal”, meaning they do not use an energy source to seal the vein, unlike other treatment methods. To understand how these procedures are effective in treating varicose veins, here is a quick look into Venaseal vs Varithena.

Vein Problems and Their Treatment

Vein problems like varicose veins or spider veins occur due to improper flow of blood in damaged veins. When the venous valves don’t function properly, blood circulation back to the heart is affected. This causes blood to pool in the leg veins, making them appear enlarged, twisted, and blue. 

Varicose veins may not always be painful. They can cause swelling and discomfort. If you have painful veins that are becoming a concern, visit a phlebologist or vein specialist to manage and treat them. It is best to get varicose veins treated once you notice them, to prevent the venous symptoms from worsening or causing conditions like leg ulcers

There are several varicose vein treatment options that your vein specialist may recommend. Some of them include endovenous laser ablation and endovenous radiofrequency ablation, which use laser energy and radiofrequency energy to close the affected vein, respectively. However, the FDA-approved VenaSeal and Varithena treatments are used as non-thermal treatment options to reduce the appearance of varicose veins in your legs.


Venaseal is an excellent treatment option if you have superficial varicose veins. This procedure doesn’t require heat or radiofrequency energy to treat the vein. Instead, it uses a medical adhesive or glue known as cyanoacrylate to close varicose veins. 


Your vein doctor will give you a shot of local anesthesia and make a single incision near the varicose vein. Using a catheter guided by ultrasound, the medical adhesive is injected into the damaged vein. The adhesive seals the vein shut, directing blood flow into healthy veins and restoring normal circulation.

Benefits of Venaseal

Here are some benefits of Venaseal:

  • Venaseal is a safe procedure with quick recovery and excellent outcomes. After the procedure, you can immediately return to daily activities like work. 
  • The treatment doesn’t require thermal energy or chemical sclerosants. 
  • It doesn’t require tumescent anesthesia, making the procedure more comfortable, safe, and quick.
  • It results in less pain and bruising compared to other treatments.
  • You won’t need to wear compression stockings after your treatment.

Who needs Venaseal?

Venaseal is a great alternative to laser and radiofrequency procedures, especially since VenaSeal is the only varicose vein treatment that does not require you wear compression stockings after treatment. Although it is a common treatment option, consult a vein specialist to check if you require Venaseal.

Treatment Cost

This state-of-the-art procedure costs approximately $3,000. It may vary based on your location and the vein clinic you visit. 

Because this is a relatively new treatment, it may not be covered by health insurance. Check with your insurance provider to find out what procedures are covered.


Varithena is also minimally invasive and is used to treat different types of varicose veins. The procedure is known as microfoam injection. It involves the injection of the microfoam agent polidocanol into the damaged vein to shut it. 


For Varithena treatment, polidocanol foam is injected into the affected vein guided by ultrasound. The microfoam enters the damaged vein and closes it. When the vein collapses, normal circulation is restored as the blood is rerouted into healthy veins. The microfoam is flushed out of the body through the bloodstream. 

Benefits of Varithena

Here are some benefits of Varithena:

  • The procedure doesn’t require an incision or local anesthesia.
  • It is considered the least painful varicose vein treatment.
  • It is a quick and simple procedure that requires up to an hour.
  • Its results are immediate. The treatment allows patients to return to daily activities soon after the treatment.
  • However, patients must wear gradient compression stockings daily for about two weeks to support quick recovery.

Who needs it?

Varithena can be used to treat large and small varicose veins above or below the knee. It is also used to treat veins that were unsuccessfully treated using other methods. However, this procedure can’t be used to treat every varicose vein. A qualified vein doctor can help you understand whether Varithena is the appropriate treatment for you.

Treatment Cost

The treatment cost varies based on your vein specialist and the severity of your condition. The average cost of Varithena treatment may be between $2000 and $3000. 

Varithena treatment is covered by several insurance plans. Check with your insurance provider and vein doctor to ensure that the cost will be covered.

VenaSeal vs Varithena

The VenaSeal system delivers a small amount of medical adhesive using a catheter to close the damaged vein and relieve painful symptoms. Varithena treatment delivers microfoam using a catheter to close the affected veins and restore normal blood flow. 

VenaSeal is a successful treatment for painful varicose veins in the lower legs. Varithena can be used to treat different types of varicose veins above and below the knee and is the least painful vein treatment.

Both Venaseal and Varithena are non-thermal, minimally invasive, safe, and almost painless compared to other varicose vein procedures. Also, they are fast and have a quick recovery time with little to no side effects, allowing you to resume activity immediately after treatment. 


Consult a Vein Specialist Today

These procedures are both effective to reduce the occurrence of varicose veins. However, you must consult your vein doctor to check if you need Venaseal or Varithena to treat your damaged vein. 

If you have vein problems like painful varicose veins or have concerns about the different treatments, consult your vein specialist immediately. Find a vein doctor near you with My Vein Treatment’s vein specialist locator tool. Get in touch with a vein specialist in your locality. Let them guide you with the best varicose vein treatment options and management plan for your vein problems.