What are the Differences Between Veinwave and VeinGogh?

Are you frustrated with your spider veins? Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia, are a mild form of varicose veins that typically appear on your feet and…

woman smiling

Are you frustrated with your spider veins? Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia, are a mild form of varicose veins that typically appear on your feet and legs. In contrast to larger varicose veins, which often look swollen and twisted and can lead to health problems, spider veins are less obvious and harmful. They can be red, purple, or blue, and often look like thin lines or spider webs on your skin.

Like larger varicose veins, spider veins are caused by damaged or weak valves in your veins. If you’re interested in removing spider veins, there are many ways to remove spider veins, such as laser, sclerotherapy, Veinwave treatment, and VeinGogh.

Veinwave and VeinGogh are two similar ways of removing smaller spider veins. Both involve ohmic thermolysis, which is a patented technology that can remove spider veins using heat energy. Quick, easy, and relatively painless, you don’t need anesthetics to undergo either of these treatments.

Despite their similarities, there are some minor differences between Veinwave and VeinGogh. When the physician is using Veinwave, they will use an ultra-fine needle to channel microwave energy into your spider vein. This will collapse the walls of your spider vein, making it disappear from view. 

VeinGogh also uses a needle to deliver heat to seal the spider vein, but it uses Microburst technology, which gives the physician greater control over the whole process, minimizing the likelihood of damage.

Read on to learn more about Veinwave and VeinGogh and which method of removing smaller veins might suit you better.

Veinwave vs. VeinGogh

Similarities Between Veinwave and VeinGogh

Veinwave and VeinGogh are both used to get rid of spider veins that are too small to addressed by laser or sclerotherapy. These forms of spider vein treatment can be used with other treatments for best results.

Both forms of spider vein treatment also have the following similarities.

  • They are performed at a doctor’s office and can’t be done at home.
  • They are good for removing veins that are hard to reach, like those around your ankles or behind your knees. They can also be used to remove spider veins on your face.
  • Both involve a medical device that looks like a small pen with a pointed part that will be inserted into the spider vein that you want to remove. Heat will come out of the device, which will damage the walls of the spider vein so that it collapses and seals shut. Your body will then reabsorb the vein and blood will be rerouted through healthier veins.
  • They are both FDA-certified vein treatments
  • They cause minimal discomfort, so you don’t need anesthesia when undergoing Veinwave or VeinGogh. You will be able to drive yourself home after the procedure and return to work the next day.
  • Insurance probably won’t cover Veinwave or VeinGogh since they’re cosmetic treatments. 

Differences Between Veinwave and VeinGogh

Although the technology behind Veinwave and VeinGogh is essentially the same, there are some minor differences between the two.

Firstly, Veinwave uses microwave energy to seal and shut spider vein walls. In contrast, VeinGogh uses Microburst technology, which allows the physician to be more precise and avoid causing damage to surrounding tissue.

VeinGogh also stands out from Veinwave because it uses AutoPulse technology. This means VeinGogh can deliver user-adjustable repetitive energy pulses lasting from 0.5 seconds to three seconds, making it easier for the physician to target small spider veins with precision.

When Should I Use Veinwave and VeinGogh?

Although VeinGogh appears to use more sophisticated technology, Veinwave and VeinGogh are both good ways to remove spider veins.

One of the advantages of using Veinwave and VeinGogh over other methods of spider vein therapies is how they can be used on almost any part of the body. It can even be used on sensitive areas of the body such as your ankles, feet, and face.

Other types of vein treatments, such as laser, also have a higher chance of pigmentation changes and scarring when used on these sensitive areas of the body. Veinwave and VeinGogh, however, have low chances of causing such changes.

Additionally, Veinwave and VeinGogh stand out from other vein treatments because they can be used with other vein treatments. 

If you have a lot of spider veins, particularly on thick-skin areas of the body such as your legs, you may need to combine Veinwave or VeinGogh with sclerotherapy to get rid of all the spider veins. This is because it can be hard to deliver enough heat to thick-skin areas without damaging your skin.

Veinwave and VeinGogh will also not cause allergic reactions or pigmentation changes, since they don’t use medication or require injections. This stands in stark contrast to sclerotherapy, which can cause chemical reactions in your skin, leading to skin color changes.

However, there is a minor risk of heat damage to your skin if you use Veinwave or VeinGogh. This is particularly the case if you go for multiple treatments, which is often needed if you have large patches of spider veins on the thick-skin parts of your body, such as your legs.


To Wrap It Up

All in all, Veinwave and VeinGogh are great ways of removing your spider veins. 

Before you book a Veinwave or VeinGogh appointment, you should always seek the advice of a board-licensed specialist. Try using our vein specialist locator tool to find a vein specialist near you whom you can talk to about spider vein medical treatments.