What Is Veinwave Treatment?

Spider veins are dark, threadlike veins that can appear on your legs or face. They are also called telangiectasias, thread veins, sunburst veins, stellate veins, venus…

spider veins on woman leg

Spider veins are dark, threadlike veins that can appear on your legs or face. They are also called telangiectasias, thread veins, sunburst veins, stellate veins, venus flares, and hyphen webs. They’re often red or purple, can be seen under the skin, and are most common on the legs and face.1 They’re more common among women, especially between ages 30 and 50. Some lifestyle and hereditary factors are likely to increase your chances of spider veins. 

They’re rarely painful or dangerous, but you may not like their appearance. The good news is you don’t have to live with them. Several safe and effective treatments can rid you of unwanted spider veins. These include sclerotherapy (injecting substances into the vein), laser treatment, and ohmic thermolysis. These are all minimally invasive procedures performed by healthcare providers with specialized training. You can free yourself from cosmetics or other coverings and enjoy blemish-free skin again.

Veinwave treatment is one such solution that uses heat to coagulate spider veins. It is minimally invasive, safe, and approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

What is Veinwave treatment?

In a Veinwave treatment, a trained healthcare professional inserts a needle into the dilated vein and applies heat. This process, thermocoagulation, uses microwaves transmitted through a thin needle.2 Raising the temperature to 158 degrees Fahrenheit (70 degrees Celsius) damages the vein’s lining, eventually blocking the blood flow.3 When the vein is blocked, your body will divert the blood flow through other veins. The collapsed vein will be absorbed and won’t be visible. 

The needle is not inserted very far into your skin, which means it doesn’t cause much damage or pain and doesn’t leave any scarring.

Who is Veinwave treatment for?

Unlike varicose veins, spider veins don’t cause many symptoms. In rarer cases, you may have some itching, burning, or minor pain.4 But even if you don’t have any discomfort, you may want to get rid of spider veins for cosmetic reasons. Veinwave treatment is precise, safe, and is performed in an office setting. It’s effective for all skin types and can be used on spider veins on the face and legs.

The treatment is appropriate for small veins up to 3 millimeters in diameter. Other therapies, like sclerotherapy, can’t be used on such narrow veins. You should meet with a venous disease specialist for advice about the appropriate treatment for yourself.

How long does the procedure take?

A Veinwave session typically takes 15 to 25 minutes

You can usually return to work and other activities immediately.5 You can drive after the procedure but should avoid strenuous exercise for three days. Your doctor may prescribe a lotion or ice packs to reduce discomfort after the procedure.

How many sessions are required?

Veinwave usually needs only one or two sessions for the spider veins to fade away, and you’ll see results in a few days. In contrast, sclerotherapy requires several sessions and up to six weeks for the results.

Is Veinwave treatment painful?

Your provider may prescribe a local anesthetic ointment for you to apply three hours before the treatment session. General anesthesia is not needed.6

Veinwave uses a very thin needle and causes minimal pain. Compared to sclerotherapy, which requires injecting substances into the veins, Veinwave is much less painful.7

Are there any side effects?

Veinwave treatment is generally safe, but like all medical procedures, it has potential side effects. You may have slight local swelling, some bruising, redness, and the temporary appearance of new blood vessels.8 Since no substances are injected into your body, the risk of allergic reactions is low. Veinwave causes no pigmentation or necrosis.9

How long does it take to see results?

Thermocoagulation is rapidly effective, and the treated spider veins will fade within days of the procedure. It’s much faster than sclerotherapy, which is effective only after several weeks to as long as two months.10

Does insurance cover Veinwave treatment?

Spider veins are not a health hazard, and their treatment is considered a cosmetic procedure. You’ll have to pay out-of-pocket for these treatments and consultations. Insurance will not cover Veinwave.

Is Veinwave treatment suitable for all skin types?

Veinwave is suitable for all skin types.11 Unlike laser therapy, it doesn’t cause scarring or pigmentation, and you can safely use it for spider veins on your face.

However, if the skin on your legs is very thick, or if the spider veins are too large, your doctor may advise alternative treatment. Thick skin requires more heat energy, which may damage nearby skin. It’s best to consult a vein treatment specialist. 

After Veinwave treatment

Your provider will advise you about after-treatment requirements:

  • You can use an ice pack to relieve pain and swelling.
  • Your provider may prescribe a moisturizing lotion to apply on the treated area two or three times a day.
  • Avoid sitting and standing for long periods.
  • Avoid shaving the treated areas for a week. 
  • You can resume most activities immediately, but avoid intense exercise for 72 hours.
  • Avoid bathing in hot water, as it can dilate the recently closed veins and delay recovery.
  • Keep your legs elevated if you have significant swelling.

How Can You Prevent More Spider Veins?

The causes of spider veins are not well understood, but some measures will help you avoid them:

  • Use sunscreen and wear a hat when going out in the sun.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods. Stand and walk about intermittently.
  • If your job involves sitting, use gradient compression stockings.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid restrictive clothing that can affect blood flow and venous return.
  • Keep your legs at a higher level when lying down.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption.

Regular exercise improves your blood flow and reduces the visibility of spider veins. It also prevents the appearance of new ones.

Spider veins are not dangerous to your health, but they appear on visible parts of your body, like the face and legs. You may want to eliminate them for aesthetic reasons, and many methods are available. 

Visit My Vein Treatment for more information on Veinwave procedures

Veinwave is a rapidly effective and safe way to remove unsightly spider veins from any part of your body. Your provider may also recommend a combination of treatments to remove spider veins of different sizes.

My Vein Treatment specializes in articles about spider veins and other venous disorders. Visit our website for information about spider veins, or use our provider locator to find a specialist near you. 


  1. U.S. HHS Office on Women’s Health. Varicose veins and spider veins.
  2. Cochrane Library. Treatment for telangiectasias and reticular veins.
  3. StatPearls. Spider Veins
  4. Cochrane Library. Treatment for telangiectasias and reticular veins.
  5. American Society for Dermatological Surgery. Vein Treatments.
  6. American Society for Dermatological Surgery. Vein Treatments.
  7. Cochrane Library. Treatment for telangiectasias and reticular veins.
  8. American Society for Dermatological Surgery. Vein Treatments.
  9. Cochrane Library. Treatment for telangiectasias and reticular veins.
  10. American Society for Dermatological Surgery. Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins.
  11. Cochrane Library. Treatment for telangiectasias and reticular veins.