The Varicose Veins Cream Guide: How To Choose and How To Use

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted, and sometimes painful veins that appear under the skin, usually on the legs and feet. They are caused by weak or…

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted, and sometimes painful veins that appear under the skin, usually on the legs and feet. They are caused by weak or damaged valves in the veins that allow blood to pool or flow backward. Varicose veins can affect anyone, but they are more common in older people, pregnant women, and people who are obese.1

Varicose vein creams are topical products that claim to reduce the appearance, symptoms, or complications of damaged veins.2 They are applied to the skin over the affected area, usually once or twice a day. But how do they work, and who are they for? Here are some tips on choosing and using varicose vein creams.

How Do Varicose Vein Creams Work?

Varicose vein creams work in different ways, depending on their ingredients and formulations. Some of the common ingredients found in varicose vein creams are:3

  • Vitamin K: This vitamin is involved in blood clotting and may help strengthen the walls of the veins and prevent leakage.4 
  • Moisturizers: These ingredients help hydrate and firm the skin, which may make the veins less visible and improve the skin’s texture. Moisturizers may also soothe and protect the skin from irritation or infection.
  • Herbal extracts: These ingredients may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, or vasoconstrictive properties that may reduce swelling, pain, or redness associated with varicose veins. Some common herbs used in varicose vein creams are horse chestnut, witch hazel, butcher’s broom, and grape seed extract.

Varicose vein creams may provide some benefits for people who have mild to moderate varicose veins that do not cause serious complications or discomfort.5 They may help improve the cosmetic appearance of the veins, relieve some of the symptoms (such as itching or burning), or prevent further deterioration.6

However, varicose vein creams are not a cure for varicose veins. They cannot reverse the underlying damage to the valves or restore normal blood flow in the veins. So it’s best to use these creams to temporarily alleviate symptoms at home while consulting a vein specialist to determine any underlying medical conditions and next steps.

How To Choose a Good Varicose Vein Cream

There are many varicose vein creams on the market, ranging from inexpensive to costly. However, not all of them are effective or safe. Here are some tips on how to choose varicose vein creams that work:

  • Look at the active ingredients: Look for ingredients that have scientific evidence to support their effectiveness and safety for varicose veins. 
  • Read reviews and check product reputation: Check out reviews from other customers who have used the cream and see what they say about its results and side effects.
  • Speak with your vein specialist: Your vein specialist can assess your condition, recommend the best treatment options, and advise you on how to use the cream safely and effectively.
  • Have realistic expectations: Varicose vein creams are not magic potions that will make your varicose veins disappear completely. They may take weeks or months to show noticeable results and may not work for everyone. 

Arnica-based creams are popular for treating varicose veins. These creams contain Arnica montana extract, a herb that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.7 Arnica cream may help reduce swelling, bruising, pain, and inflammation and may also help speed up the healing process after surgical varicose vein treatments.8

Proven Treatments for Varicose Veins

Varicose vein creams are topical products that may help improve the appearance and symptoms of mild to moderate varicose veins. However, they are not a cure for varicose veins and cannot prevent or treat serious complications that may arise from them.

If you are looking for more effective and permanent solutions for your varicose veins, find a vein specialist near you with My Vein Treatment and schedule a consultation today.


  1. Mayo Clinic: “Varicose Veins.” 
  2. Health News: “Varicose Vein Creams and Gels: Do They Work?“. 
  3. Health News: “Varicose Vein Creams and Gels: Do They Work?“. 
  4. Harvard T.H. Chan: “Vitamin K.”
  5. Health News: “Varicose Vein Creams and Gels: Do They Work?“. 
  6. Health News: “Varicose Vein Creams and Gels: Do They Work?“. 
  7. National Library of Medicine: “Efficacy of Arnica in varicose vein surgery: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study.”
  8. National Library of Medicine: “Efficacy of Arnica in varicose vein surgery: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study.”